Published on 17 January 2016

Twitter campaign to get all France wearing Jewish skullcaps

The kippah debate provoked a social media campaign.
Published on BBC News January 15, 2016
Using a hashtag #TousAvecUneKippa (Everyone with a kippah), thousands are calling on French people of all backgrounds to don the traditional Jewish skullcap and post a selfie on social media this Friday in a show of solidarity against anti-Semitic attacks.
Social media users in the country are calling for everyone to wear a kippah. Many posted pictures of both Jewish and non-Jewish celebrities wearing skullcaps as a form of encouragement.
The campaign was started by two French women, Sophie Taieb, member of CRIF, and Kerima Mendes. Taieb tells BBC Trending she hopes it acts as an antidote to the sombre tone following the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and the Marseille attack.
"We wanted to do something funny. There was black everywhere, so we wanted to do something funny," she says. "The idea is that everybody - Jewish or not - should wear a kippah, because if everybody wears one, nobody is a target anymore." As a woman, Taieb won't be wearing a kippah, but says she will cover her head is some way and post a selfie, and encourages other women to do the same... Read more.