Tous les auteurs

Par un enchaînement de hasards, notre bloggueuse Sophie, plus habituée aux sujets de cyber-sécurité et de contre-terrorisme, s'est retrouvée les mains dans la pâte (à pizza). Et ça lui a donné quelques idées plutôt gourmandes... Elle les partage avec vous cet été à travers ces chroniques culinaires !

Lors de la cérémonie nationale d'hommage commémorant le Vel d'Hiv, le Président du Crif s'est dit "choqué et révolté par les images indécentes des récalcitrant à la vaccination arborant l’étoile jaune et faisant des raccourcis honteux. C’est un outrage à la mémoire des victimes de la Shoah".

Et de quatre ! Après les États-Unis, le Guatemala et le Kosovo, c’est au Honduras de sauter le pas en installant son ambassade à Jérusalem. Le 24 juin 2021, le Premier ministre israélien, Naftali Benett et le président du Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, ont  inauguré cette ambassade (Photo). Pays voisin du Honduras, le Nicaragua ne devrait pas tarder à l’imiter. Une occasion de découvrir les petites communautés juives de ces deux pays.

Discours de Marcel Dreyfuss,  Président d’honneur du Consistoire, représentant du Crif ARA - Dimanche 18/7/2021 au CHRD

Discours prononcé à la cérémonie du 18 juillet par M. Albert Massiah, Président du Crif Bordeaux-Aquitaine, lors de la « Journée nationale à la mémoire des crimes racistes et antisémites commis par l’État français de Vichy et en hommage aux Justes de France. »


This week most read articles

News feed

Crif - Antisemitism in Europe : Francis Kalifat in Vienna with the European Jewish Congress

28 November 2018
On 20th November, the President of Crif visited Vienna for an international conference on the situation of Europe in the face of anti-Semitism. During his visit he was able to meet with the Austrian President and the Chancellor of the State. Francis Kalifat also attended the Board of Directors of the European Jewish Congress.

Antisemitism - First-ever concrete proposals and recommended legislation to fight antisemitism presented at high level event in Austria

28 November 2018
The most comprehensive and detailed proposals and recommendations, including legislative, to combat antisemitism were presented in Vienna few days ago to high-level European officials, including President Alexander van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, during a conference held by the Austrian Presidency of the European Council.

News - World Jewish Congress brings more than 100 Jewish communities worldwide to UNESCO for unprecedented meeting

20 November 2018
The Governing Board of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), comprising nearly 150 presidents of Jewish communities worldwide, held an unprecedented gathering at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris on Monday. During their meeting, the first of its kind at UNESCO, the WJC delegates signed a commitment to the preservation of Holocaust memory and to fighting antisemitism worldwide. Crif President Francis Kalifat was there at the meeting.

Crif/Pittsburgh - Press release after anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh

30 October 2018
This attack once again underlines that anti-Semitism is an ideological poison and a deadly threat. Crif expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims and wishes for the recovery of the wounded.

#Crif #Delegation - Meeting with Avi Gabbay, President of israeli Labour party, Leader of the Opposition

10 July 2018
Last week, President of Crif, as well as members of the Executive Board and regional Crif Presidents, went on an official trip to Israel. On the agenda, meetings with political leaders, from the majority and the opposition, with the representatives of the Olim de France, and with people from civil society. Let's discover the meetings of the official Crif journey.

#Crif #Delegation - Official travel of Crif delagation to Israel: meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

03 July 2018
Last week, President of Crif, as well as members of the Executive Board and regional Crif Presidents, went on an official trip to Israel. On the agenda, meetings with political leaders, from the majority and the opposition, with the representatives of the Olim de France, and with people from civil society. Let's discover the meetings of the official Crif journey.
