Tous les auteurs

Jeudi 6 septembre s'est tenue la cérémonie d'échange des vœux entre les responsables de la Communauté juive, la Maire de Paris Anne Hidalgo et la présidente du Conseil régional d'Ile de France Valérie Pécresse.

Jeudi 26 juillet, j'ai écrit au Ministre des Affaires étrangères Jean-Yves Le Drian afin de lui faire part de mon étonnement face à l'absence de mention d’Israël dans les déclarations du Quai d'Orsay suite à l'évacuation de casques blancs syriens.


This week most read articles

News feed

To our brothers and sisters in the French Jewish community

18 January 2016

A message of solidarity from Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice-President of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

To our brothers and sisters in the French Jewish community

18 January 2016

A message of solidarity from Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice-President of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Bernard Cazeneuve invited by CRIF at Nice dinner

17 January 2016
An evening that offered offering a moment of republican brotherhood essential to defend the values of the Jewish Community. 

Bernard Cazeneuve invited by CRIF at Nice dinner

17 January 2016
An evening that offered offering a moment of republican brotherhood essential to defend the values of the Jewish Community. 

French Jewish politician stabbed to death

17 January 2016

His death has shaken his correligionists.

French Jewish politician stabbed to death

17 January 2016

His death has shaken his correligionists.



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