The CRIF in action
Published on 19 December 2004


Nicole Guedj, junior cabinet minister in charge of the rights of the victims, said France and Italy would cooperate in the struggle against anti-Semitism. Mrs. Guedj was in Rome attending a conference organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on "Anti-Semitism, a threat for Democracy".

Nicole Guedj suggested implementing cooperation between the French Cross-Department Commission to Fight Against Anti-Semitism and the Italian Commission acting under the aegis of the Ministry of Interior. Her proposal was accepted by Italian Minister of Interior Giuseppe Pisanu. "This could lead to cooperation at the European level, including the fight against the circulation of racist and anti-Semitic propaganda by the media," said Mrs. Guedj.

"A European cooperation in the struggle against racism and anti-Semitism would contribute to developing better relations between the Union and Israel," added Mrs. Guedj's spokesperson.

Franco Frattini, the newly appointed European Commissioner in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security, attended the Rome meeting and said, "Europe must speak in a single voice against anti-Semitism."

CRIF is working with the French Cross-Department Commission.