The CRIF in action
Published on 16 January 2008

Rabbi Serfaty presents the projects of the Jewish-Muslim Dialogue group to CRIF

He hopes that, to begin with, the group's "friendship bus" will help the grassroots work to continue throughout the year. Michel Serfaty also wants to organise training seminars for teachers, and create groups for Jews and Muslims, both in France and throughout Europe, for combating anti-Semitic and racist stereotypes. The president of this group (AMJF) mentioned the creation of a documentation and information unit which will be used, among other things, to create teaching material, translate brochures and present exhibitions in different languages and circulate books and films for children on the three religions. He wants to create several AJMF groups throughout France and turn the association into a federation. Michel Serfaty also wants to organise a tour of France and Europe from May to July 2008 with French, European and Israeli participants.