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Canadian Jewish Community Deeply Saddened, Appalled, and Concerned By Murders in Belgium, Attack in Paris

30 May 2014

Four people murdered after shooting at Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium. Two of the four victims confirmed to be Israelis. Two Jews assaulted in front of synagogue in Paris.

In response, David Koschitzky, Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), issued the following statement: “The Jewish community of Canada is deeply saddened and appalled by the senseless loss of life in Brussels yesterday afternoon. 

South African Jewish Board of Deputies to CRIF: “We assure the French Jewish community of our support and concern”

30 May 2014

Dear Roger

On behalf of the Jewish community of South Africa, we wish to record our outrage over the vicious assault of two Jewish worshipers outside a synagogue in Paris on Saturday evening and to assure the French Jewish community of our support and concern during this difficult time. 

WJC reacts to surge of far-right in European elections, urges EU leaders to act

30 May 2014

Published in WJC official site, May 26, 2014

“The surge of far-right and anti-Semitic parties in a number of countries is a shock and a reason for great worry. European leaders must address this problem urgently and come up with a strategy to fight extremism. The future of European Jewry is a stake if these forces are not reined in.

70th of the liberation of France and the victory on Nazism

30 May 2014

French President François Hollande will meet world leaders at next summer’s 70th anniversary commemorations of the D-Day landings, including US President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II and Putin.

The Consulate General of France in New York presents “The Challenges Facing the Jewish Community in France”

13 April 2014

The CRIF will send a delegation to the AJC convention in Washington. During one week President Roger Cukierman and the delegation will visit the American Jewish leaders in New York and Washington. They will also meet with French Ambassadors to the UN and to the USA.

Roger Cukierman will also participate in two round tables at the AJC convention.

Prochainement à la Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild

14 March 2014

« L'exil des musiciens européens (1939-1945) »

L’Association ProQuartet et la Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild vous proposent, dans le cadre du projet Esther, un cycle de redécouverte et de réhabilitation de compositeurs victimes des politiques d’exclusion des années 1933 à 1945. Concerts, projections, exposition, tables rondes permettront de porter un regard sur le destin de musiciens, juifs pour la plupart d’entre eux, contraints à l‘exil dans la période la plus sombre de l’histoire européenne, et d’engager une réflexion sur les questions de l’identité culturelle et de la transmission. 

Lundi 24 mars 2014, 19 heures

Projection du documentaire « Les Musiciens du quatuor »

Suivie d’une table ronde, Musiciens viennois : exil et transmission
