KIS letter to the President of the Greek Parliament regarding the reading of the “Protocols” in the Greek Parliament
Following the reading by Member of Parliament Ilias Kasidiaris of the Chryssi Avgi (Golden Dawn) Party of an extract from the forgery ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Sion’ during a session of parliament, on October 23, 2012, in the House of Parliament, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece sent the following letter to the President of the Greek Parliament, Mr Evangelos Maimarakis.
Dear Mr President,
When the withdrawal of immunity for members of parliament was under discussion during the full session of the House on 23rd October 2012, Member of Parliament for Chryssi Avgi (Golden Dawn) party, Ilias Kasidiaris, read an extract from the despicable forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Sion”.
According to the minutes of the session in the House, Mr Kasidiaris’, statement was as follows:
‘… As a member of the nationalistic movement, I would merely like to read a few words taken from a document written in the last century, a genuine document that describes in detail the situation that we are experiencing today: “In order to obliterate any appeal their manliness may have, we will put them in the dock alongside thieves, murderers and every sort of base, groveling criminal,” Chapter 19 of the Protocols of Sion, 1903.
Unfortunately, in the Greece of 2012, thieves and embezzlers of public funds are rarely brought before the courts of justice, contrary to what happens in our case, and that, of course, is why we regard it as an honour.’
Mr President,
As you are well aware, the forged Protocols of the Elders of Sion are the most typical example of anti-Semitic propaganda in the whole world and were used by Hitler as a pretext for his persecutions.
This serves as a reminder that the Protocols have not only been denounced by international courts, but also by international bibliographers and pre-eminent historians as falsifications produced by the Okhrana, the Tsar’s own guard, to be used as a pretext for persecuting Jews.
The sound of extracts from the forgery of the “Protocols” being read aloud from the seats of the Greek House of Parliament has provoked great concern to the Greek Jewry. We believe that events such as this add to the proliferation of anti-Semitic stereotypes.
On the occasion we once again ask the sound representatives of the state and society to marginalise the ideologies, methodologies and propaganda of those who long for the return of Nazism.
Athens, October 30, 2012
The President
David Saltiel (photo)
The Secretary General
Dona-Liliane Capon