Tous les auteurs

L'historien Laurent Joly publie un nouvel éclairage sur la collaboration de la France occupée à la déportation des juifs. Une œuvre magistrale.

Le Crif souhaite un prompt rétablissement à Jean-Pierre Allali suite à son récent accident et espère le retrouver très vite en pleine forme.


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Meeting with African Ambassadors

02 February 2016

Participants committed to continue the dialogue for mutual understanding.

Anti-Semitic attack in Marseille

28 January 2016

CRIF believes that beyond the necessary enforcement measures, it is urgent to address the root causes of this scourge.

Number of anti-Semitic and racist acts : 2015, a "standard" hate year ?

20 January 2016

Crif calls on all actors of civil society to live the Republican brotherhood through field initiatives.

Number of anti-Semitic and racist acts : 2015, a "standard" hate year ?

20 January 2016

Crif calls on all actors of civil society to live the Republican brotherhood through field initiatives.
