Press releases
Published on 28 July 2015

84% increase in anti-Semitic acts from January to May 2015

An increase of 84% in 2015 compared to 2014
The numbers of anti-Semitic acts (violent actions and threats) recognized by the Ministry of the Interior and the SPCJ was of 508 from January, the 1st to May, 31 2015. This is an increase of 84% in 2015 compared to 2014, and by 161% compared to 2013.
Moreover, amongst these acts, the number of violent actions (121) continued to worsen, + 59% from January to May 2015 compared to 2014, same period. Threats (387) are still massive with a very strong increase of 94%, compared to 2014.
CRIF recalled that these figures represent only the acts which have been reported to the police or filed as complaints and reflects only a part of the anti-Semitism on the ground.
Nothing seems to stop the dramatic increase in anti-Semitism in France that reached appalling heights.
This sharp deterioration is unfortunately not a surprise to the CRIF. Anti-Semitism in our country has developed thanks to the Internet, the main factor in the spread of anti-Semitic ideas in public opinion, but also because of the impunity that benefit to notorious anti-Semites.
CRIF asks the Government to review the legal status of social networks operating in France (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google…) to bring them justice and face their criminal responsibility.
CRIF also denounces the rise of organizations calling for the boycott of Israeli products. Their campaigns are used to mask notorious anti-Semitism and they reinforce the ostracism of Jews from France.