The CRIF in action
Published on 13 March 2005


Israel's Ambassador in Paris Nissim Zvili called CRIF's President Roger Cukierman to praise the organization's work in support of Israel.

CRIF's President Roger Cukierman met with Bernard Brandmeyer, head of one of the Masonic orders in France, the Grand Orient, the order's Foreign Affairs Secretary Yves Jacobs, its Secretary Christian de Boufils and the Treasurer Hugues le Forestier.

Roger Cukierman met with Nicolas Comte, Secretary General of the Police union Syndicat General de la Police.

CRIF's Director General Haim Musicant and Jean-Pierre Allali, member of the Executive Board and President of the Commission for relations with the NGOs, Unions and Not For Profit associations met with the leaders of the Armenian community in France Ara Toranian, President of the Co-ordination Council of the Armenian Organizations in France, Georges Sarian, President of the Cultural Union of the French Armenians and Director of the magazine Achkar and Serge Mardirossian, President of the Committee for the Defence of the Armenian Cause. The magazine "Nouvelles d'Armenie" devoted its latest issue to the Holocaust.

CRIF's Director General Haim Musicant attended the launching of the renovation works of the Great Mosque of Paris.