The CRIF in action
Published on 8 May 2005


The 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi extermination camps coincided this year with the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. This coincidence led to a strengthening of the links between the two communities. A liaising commission was set up last March and the members convened for a second time a few days ago in the offices of the Armenian Charity General Union, UGAB. CRIF's delegation was led by its Director General Haim Musicant.

The Armenia delegation was led by Ara Toranian, President of the Co-ordination Council of the Armenian Organizations in France. He came with Georges Sarian, President of the Cultural Union of Armenians in France and editor of the Armenian magazine Ashkar, Serge Madirossian, President of the Committee for the Defense of the Armenian Cause and Denis Ketchedjian, President of UGAB. The liaising commission agreed on the principle of several joint events.

CRIF's President Roger Cukierman sent the following message to the main meeting of the Armenians in France on the occasion of the commemoration of the 1915 massacres perpetrated by Turkish troops:

"You are commemorating the 90th anniversary of the terrible genocide that decimated part of your people. This same day, the Jews are celebrating Passover, recalling the incredible quest for freedom of a people enslaved in Egypt 1513 years before the Common Era. (…)

In a leading article of your magazine "News of Armenia", the writer asked his readers if Armenians could be insensitive to the Holocaust and to the fate of the Jews in the days of Hitler. One may well ask the Jews if a Jew can remain insensitive to the catastrophe that struck the Armenian people. (…)

Both our peoples have gone through what one may call parallel experiences. Our histories are long and ancient. (…)

To you, Armenians, I am offering my support and my fraternity. You are not alone. Our destinies are alike. (…) Armenians, Jews, Children of France and friends forever!"