The CRIF in action
Published on 19 November 2005


A delegation from the European Jewish Congress, an affiliate to WJC, led by Pierre Besnainou, president, accompanied by Roger Cukierman, president of CRIF, Henry Grunwald (UK), Ariel Musicant (Austria), vice-presidents of the EJC, met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Monday 7 November 2005. Florence Kaufman (UK) and Serge Cwajgenbaum, general secretary, were also present. The Prime Minister was accompanied by his advisors Sir Michael Levy and Sir Nigel Sheinwall.

The EJC had visited Tony Blair’s predecessors at the head of the European Union, the Prime Ministers of Luxemburg and the Netherlands, each presidential mandate only lasting six months.

The president of the EJC thanked Tony Blair for the firmness of his positions with regard to Iran and for his commitment to peace in the Middle East. He asked him to put pressure on the Arab states for a normalization of their diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Such normalization would notably serve to isolate Iran. The delegation also asked for a reinforcement of legislation against anti-Semitism, particularly in the countries that have recently joined the European Union.

The delegation spoke of the need for the Palestinian Authority to receive additional aid from Europe, but that the Authority must also in turn give evidence of its determination for peace by fighting terrorist groups.

Speaking of the wave of violence sweeping Europe, the delegation was mindful of the need for a coordinated European effort against those who preach terror, and also for close cooperation among all the members of the Union to prevent television channels such as Al-Manar or Al-Sahar from broadcasting hateful, racist or anti-Semitic messages.
The meeting took place in a warm atmosphere in the Cabinet Room at number 10 Downing Street.