The CRIF in action
Published on 4 July 2005


Philippe Richert, UMP president of the France-Israel friendship group in the Senate, recently visited Israel on a fact-finding mission. Accompanied by a delegation of UMP and PS senators, the Vice President of the Senate noted an improvement in relations between France and Israel. He gave his feedback to CRIF President Roger Cukierman and to CRIF Director General Haim Musicant. A meeting will be held this autumn between the France-Israel friendship group and the CRIF Executive.

The political and social situation in France, anti-Semitism, the future of Europe and the Middle East were topics discussed at a diner offered by Bernard Accoyer, president of the UMP group at the National Assembly. Surrounded by several of his vice presidents – Jacques Bobe, Yves Censi, Alain Gest, Hervé Mariton and Philippe Vitel – Bernard Accoyer improvised a speech with CRIF President Roger Cukierman accompanied by Roger Benarrosh, Joseph Zrihen, Francis Kalifat and CRIF Director General Haim Musicant.