The CRIF in action
Published on 4 July 2005


Following the judgment of the Paris Court of Justice requesting the filtering out of French websurfers from a Holocaust denying site hosted by a US-based ISP (see our previous newsletter), the nefarious AAARGH can no longer be accessed from France.

On 23rd June 2005, FRANCE TELECOM, FREE, AOL France, TISCALI ACCES, NEUF TELECOM, TELE 2 France, NOOS, T ONLINE-CLUB INTERNET, NUMERICABLE and GIP RENATER informed anti-racist associations that they had taken the necessary steps to prevent French websurfers from accessing the website AAARGH. As a result, several hundred thousand pages containing anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying propaganda, including 260 publications to be downloaded, in particular the classical works of anti-Semitism, disappeared from French cyberspace. The ban was extended to AOL subscribers in the United States, Great Britain and Germany.

CRIF welcomed the efforts of Internet Service Providers who in ten days provided the filtering capabilities which for the last ten years they have asserted they did not have.