The CRIF in action
Published on 2 December 2007

A Hanukkah will be lit for the three Israeli soldiers who are hostages of Hamas and Hizbollah

After the photographs of the three Israeli hostages were defaced by anti-Israeli demonstrators, the Council of Paris decided by a majority vote to have them reinstated. The Greens voted against and the Communist Party abstained.

For its part, the International Committee for the Liberation of the Soldiers met on 21st November in the presence of Meyer Habib, Vice-President of CRIF, to continue its campaign to raise the awareness of public opinion of the plight of the Israeli hostages. The organisers of the meeting greeted the decision by the Council of Paris and announced that a Hanukkah would be lit in Itzhak Rabin square to honour Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.