A preparatory meeting was held on September 19, 2006, in the presence of several association representatives, among whom Nicole Guedj, former cabinet minister, representing the Central Consistory and the Paris Consistory. CRIF was represented by Executive Board member Jean-Pierre Allali.
Roger Pinto, who has been in constant contact with the families of the three hostages, reminded those present that at the present time no certain information is available about the soldiers and that a first positive result, in the face of the unyielding attitude of the kidnappers, would be to obtain reliable and verifiable news.
Three thousand color posters have been printed. They will be used as visual support for the campaign that is being prepared. All the communities will be called on throughout the country, audiences have been requested with European political leaders and support will be asked for from leading moral authorities. Busses will be hired to take several hundred people to the European Parliament, making stops at prestigious sites on the way.