The CRIF in action
Published on 1 October 2008

An Internet website condemned for publishing anti-Semitic texts: Yahoo removes illicit content

Taken to court by the association J’Accuse, chaired by Marc Knobel and the Union of French Jewish Students, the judiciary had ordered Alter Info to remove the incriminated texts from its site. Alter Info (APA) appealed against this decision, arguing that it was the victim of “harassment” and “financial pressures”. Considering that the members of the Jewish community were indeed targeted and that readers would be encouraged to hatred and rejection of the whole Jewish community by the classic anti-Semitic argument of a conspiracy of Jewish finance supposedly seeking to enslave the whole world, the court sentenced the association Alter Info to pay the claimants 3000 euros in damages and court costs.

In addition, in compliance with French law, the lawyer for the Union of French Jewish Students and the association J’Accuse proceeded to officially inform Yahoo France of the illicit activities and information in the French language that the company is hosting on its French platform intended for the French public.

The site had put the following question from a user online:
“Hello, what’s the name of the Jewish festival where they slit the throats of children?” (sic)

Yahoo informed the lawyer that the company had indeed taken note of the obviously illicit nature of the content brought to its attention, which was immediately removed from the site.