Amsellem said he was “indignant”, and condemned “the unacceptable resurgence of anti-Muslim acts”. He went on to reaffirm his “solidarity with the Muslim community”.
As soon as CRIF heard of the attempted arson, it condemned “this unacceptable resurgence of anti-Muslim attacks”, and affirmed its solidarity with the Muslim community. It also called on the authorities to do everything in their power to stop this series of attacks, which are a slur to the good name of the country.
According to Le Monde newspaper, the flare of anti-Muslim attacks has encouraged Muslim leaders to learn from CRIF’s strategies for combating anti-Semitism.
After the arson attempt, which came only two weeks after the profanation of the military cemetery in Arras, the Muslim community went into action, determined to apply “zero tolerance”, in the words of Azzedine Gaci, president of the Rhone-Alpes Regional Council for Muslim Worship (CFCM). Gaci added that the Muslim community had a lot to learn from CRIF’s actions combating anti-Semitism. He also said he was pleased that the CFCM and CRIF were coming closer, which could be the start of joint action.