Tzipi Livni expressed her satisfaction with this visit to Paris. She focused on what in her opinion has been the very positive action by France in all areas, whether in relation to Iran, to Hezbollah or to anti-Semitism. In this regard, the tragedy of the murder of Ilan Halimi was, in Tzipi Livni’s eyes, a major event for French society as a whole, a society in which, unquestionably, “some things have changed”.
The minister insisted on the fact that Israel, a Jewish state, has a duty to remain a country people by a majority of Jews. To preserve this specificity, two avenues are possible: Alyah, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the possibility of giving up a part of its territory. The solution will be found in mixing something from both options. In any case, Israel wants peace with a future Palestinian State and also permanent borders. As for Israeli Arabs, those who would wish to remain Israeli citizens will be able to do so, but there is no doubt that “the place of expression of their identity will be the future Palestinian State”. As for Jerusalem, it will remain the capital of Israel.