The CRIF in action
Published on 19 December 2007

Cabinet Junior Minister Wauquiez: "We will use the greatest possible firmness in dealing with negationist remarks"

"We are in Lyons, the capital of the Resistance during World War Two, and every visit here is symbolic", as Richard Prasquier, CRIF President reminded the participants.

Laurent Wauquiez comes from Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, a Protestant village in a region where very many Jews found refuge and protection during the Nazi occupation. He spoke at length of the exemplary courage of its inhabitants who risked their lives to save five thousand Jews, including very many children. On September 5, 1988, the "inhabitants of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon and the surrounding villages" were collectively recognised as "Righteous among the Nations", a first in France, and almost unique in Europe.

The minister went on to explain the new measures adopted for controlling anti-Semitism. "Anti-Semitic acts have decreased in number. 79 acts were reported between January 1, 2007 and August 31, 2007. We will create legal provisions adapted to racial discrimination in each public prosecutor's department", said the Minister. "And we will use the greatest possible firmness in dealing with negationist remarks" added Laurent Wauquiez." Moreover, it is unacceptable for the Iranian President to continue to proclaim that he supports negationist ideas."