The CRIF in action
Published on 15 October 2007

Communist senator Ivan Renar: Hizbollah is a terrorist organisation

With the passing years, he has distanced himself from all forms of political dogmatism, declaring himself to be “intolerant of intolerance”, a position which has led him to adopt an a-typical attitude toward the Middle East. This has led him to declare that, like former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, he considers Hizbollah to be not a patriotic Lebanese organisation but a terrorist group acting on behalf of Syria and Iran, and so considers that “Israeli military action during the summer of 2006 was justified, in seeking to stop Hizbollah bombing Israeli towns and villages.

Having for many years supported visits by high school pupils from the Nord département to Auschwitz, organised by the WJC and CRIF, Ivan Renar reckons that “the duty to remember” (an emotional experience on site) and “the duty to let history speak” are complementary. These considerations are behind the proposal made by Haïm Musicant, General Director of CRIF, to organise a seminar to reflect on this topic and consider the possibility of starting regular meetings with a group led by Senator Renar, a proposal he has accepted.