The CRIF in action
Published on 16 December 2008

Crif condemns the profanation of a military cemetery near Arras

Charles Sulman said he was pleased with the way the authorities have reacted.

CRIF sent a message to the CFCM (the Council for Muslim Faith in France) and the Muslim community, expressing it’s “deeply sympathy and total solidarity”.

A silent march was organised by the French Jewish-Muslim Friendship association with the help of CRIF in front of Paris’s Central Mosque, and through the streets of Paris, ending in front of a synagogue.

Dalil Boubaker, rector of the Central Mosque in Paris, said that he lays “great hopes in Jewish Muslim dialogue” and was pleased with “the mobilisation of the Jewish community”.

Parisians marched through the streets of the city to the symbolic Bastille Square, shouting: “Stop anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim racism”, “Jews and Muslims arm in arm”, and “Leave our dead in peace”.