The CRIF in action
Published on 24 February 2010

French Jewish Community Protection Service (SPCJ) publishes anti-Semitism figures for 2009: anti-Semitism on the rise and trivialised

The report includes statistics, comments, analyses and extracts from sentences handed out by courts in cases involving anti-Semitism. Speaking at the organisation’s annual dinner, CRIF President Richard Prasquier regretted the significant increase in the number of anti-Semitic acts compared to previous years. “It is the result of a totally unacceptable transposition to France of the Israel-Palestine conflict, which was particularly felt during the operation in Gaza,” in January 2009 (354 acts for the month of January alone).

But over and above these figures, “anti-Semitic words and deeds on a daily basis, often under the cover of anti-Zionism, have become a major and worryingly trivial fact of life,” says Prasquier.