Israel’s decision is based on the observation that it will be impossible to prevent this conference – which is officially organised to fight racism and xenophobia – from becoming an anti-Semitic tribunal, as was the case during the first edition of the conference held in South Africa in 2001.
Tsipi Livni has indicated that Israel will not take part in such a gathering “unless it is proven that it will not become a platform for intensifying anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli activity”. Israel’s Foreign Minister called on the international community to boycott the Durban 2 conference which is likely “to legitimate hatred, extremism and anti-Semitism under the pretext of fighting racism”. Canada had already announced on 23rd January that it will not take part in the Durban 2 conference.
During the Global Forum against anti-Semitism, former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler and British MP John Mann announced the setting up of an international coalition for fighting anti-Semitism.
The strong delegation from CRIF, led by President Richard Prasquier, accompanied by Haim Musicant, General Director and Marc Knobel, a CRIF researcher, recalled the statements made by Nicolas Sarkozy at the recent CRIF dinner: “France will not accept a repetition of the drifts and excesses in 2001. We will withdraw from the process if our demands are not taken into account.” According to Marc Knobel, CRIF would be happy to see France follow Canada’s example.
Over 250 delegates from 43 countries took part in this Forum.