Questioned by Actualité juive, a Jewish weekly, Meyer Habib expressed his "heartfelt conviction that the Academic Centre in Netanya is one of the best tools for strengthening the links between France and Israel". 150 French students are enrolled at the Centre and there is no lack of projects.
At an evening reception organized by Daniel Shek, Israel's Ambassador to France, Christian Estrosi, France’s Minister of Industry, announced the signing of a partnership between his home city of Nice and its twin city Netanya, including promises of university exchanges. Richard Prasquier, President of CRIF, was present at the reception. An agreement is also planned with the University of Paris-Dauphine, thanks to Valerie Hoffenberg, Vice-President of the Association. Meyer Habib also announced another initiative for granting scholarships to young French people intending to get involved in social projects.
For Meyer Habib, the Academic Centre in Netanya is “a crossroads between the two languages and the two countries, which should help us to make progress on the issue of [Israel's membership in] the Association of French-speaking countries”.