Nicole Guedj is a member of France’s Council of State and an honorary lawyer. After a career of more than 25 years as a lawyer specialising in defending human rights, in 2004 she was appointed Junior Minister responsible for the Ministry of Justice’s building programmes, then Junior Minister for the rights of victims.
Nicole Guedj has always been fully involved in the life of France’s Jewish community. She is a member of CRIF’s Executive Board, vice-president of the Paris Consistory in charge of relations with Israel, a board member of the Central Consistory and of the CASIP COSAJOR Foundation. Nicole Guedj is also an elected councillor of the Ile-de-France (Greater Paris) Regional Council and a member of the National Advisory Committee for Human Rights (CNCDH). As President of the Red Helmets Foundation, she also calls for an international humanitarian rapid reaction force under the responsibility of the UN.
Haim Musicant, General Director of CRIF, is among the well-known figures sitting on the Board of the Foundation. At his behest, the FFI had organised a solidarity visit to Israel following the second Lebanese war triggered by Hizbullah.
CRIF and FFI have organised a number of joint programmes.
The France Israel Foundation was born out of the desire by the two States, at the highest level, to encourage better understanding between the French and Israeli people, “developing ties between French and Israeli societies, in all areas of artistic, cultural, economic, technological and university life”.