The CRIF in action
Published on 2 December 2007

Rouen: shedding light on the Sublime House

Discovered by chance some thirty years ago, beneath the Rouen Law Courts, the “Sublime House”, which in the Middle Ages hosted a yeshiva and is France’s oldest Jewish monument, testifies to the importance and dynamism of the Jewish community in Normandy one thousand years ago.

Professor Norman Gold, of the University of Chicago, and Jacques-Sylvain Klein, author of the book “La Maison Sublime. L’Ecole rabbinique et le Royaume juif de Rouen” (The Sublime House. The rabbinical school and the Jewish kingdom of Rouen) (Published by Points de Vue, 2006) are among the most determined defenders of the preservation and embellishment of this exceptional site. Richard Prasquier, President of CRIF, and Roger Cukierman CRIF's immediate past President, are members of the Sponsoring Committee of the Sublime House.