Evoking the terrorist attack of April 17th in Tel Aviv, which killed nine persons including two French citizens, Nicolas Sarkozy shared his "emotion". The Number 2 of the French government considered that « this barbaric act cannot be justified: There is no explanation to inhumanity ». For the president of the UMP, the main ruling political party, there can be only one attitude: « fight against terrorism ».
Nicolas Sarkozy added, « it is out of the question to open a possible political dialogue with the Hamas-led Palestinian government of the as long as Hamas will not satisfy three elementary conditions: renunciation to violence, recognition of the international commitments signed by the Palestinian Authority, recognition of the right of Israel to live in peace. It is normal that the European Union decided to suspend its direct help to the Palestinian Authority. It is not about "punishing" the Palestinian people for their choice in the elections of January 28th. But this government has to become aware that it will remain totally isolated, if it does not meet the expectations of the international community ».
On the recent terrorist attack in Dahab, Egypt, Nicolas Sarkozy noticed that Hamas had condemned them: « This means there would be justifiable terrorist attacks, those where Jews are killed in Tel Aviv, and the others! "
Nicolas Sarkozy condemned the "irresponsible" declarations of the Iranian president Ahmadinejad, who denied the Holocaust took place and who wants to "eliminate" Israel. The French Minister added that he was concerned by the resumption of the nuclear activities of Iran. « The international community cannot allow Iran to do whatever it wants. It is necessary to leave the door opened to all the means of action », he declared.
Nicolas Sarkozy went on saying, "the people of Israel acted in perfect dignity. It has just given, once more, a beautiful lesson of democracy in the Middle East ». He reminded the audience that right after his election as president of the UMP party, his first trip was to Israel to meet Ariel Sharon: « I believe I was among the very first ones to congratulated him for his peace initiatives! ».
Nicolas Sarkozy then elaborated on "the growing anxiety" of the Jews of France following the "barbaric murder of Ilan Halimi, which marked hearts and minds". The Minister said that « anti-Semitism is not overcome in our country; it is a reality of our time ». He considered that if there is still anti-Semitism, it is because it was not repressed enough: "There must be zero tolerance for anti-Semitic actions and comments".
Welcoming the "significant" decline of the figures of anti-Semitic violence in 2005, Nicolas Sarkozy regretted an upturn during the first quarter of 2006: « (The wider Paris region) and its suburbs continue to concentrate the main part of these attacks », he regretted.
"I measure, in this respect, the responsibility which is mine, as a political leader and as Minister of Interior, and this urges me to remain in office" Nicolas Sarkozy concluded.