The CRIF in action
Published on 15 May 2006

Visit by Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel to WWII French Detention Camp

AAt the end of the visit of the Tile Factory, which had once been packed with more than 3500 human beings, a deeply moved Elie Wiesel declared: “This is a place of memorial and I have spent my life celebrating memory. But a museum is not enough, we also need a place for handing on to future generations… This is an urgent matter. (…) I shall do everything in my power to help the promoters of this project.” He added: “Every person that enters this place should leave it changed, or at the very least with a greater awareness, and I will do all I can to help. There are resources to be mobilized, energies to call on. I am convinced that this will become a very important place, very important in the centuries to come.”

Elie Wiesel reaffirmed his support for the project, promising that he would be coming back to this place: “What you are doing here is something pure. I will be your partner. Continue! When memory beckons, you cannot refuse its call. When danger is lurking, humans must draw closer to each other and remind themselves they are brothers and sisters. I who love the French culture find it painful to think that it was French people who did this. France must restore honor to this place.”