Le CRIF en action

The CRIF in action
Published on 28 July 2015

Paris commemorating the Vel d'Hiv roundup - CRIF co-organizer of the annual ceremony

Between 16 and 17 July 1942 in Paris and the suburbs, 13,152 Jews (including 4115 children) were arrested.

The CRIF in action
Published on 16 March 2015

Roger Cukierman and CRIF's delegation in the US invited by French ambassador Gerard Araud at the French residence

Roger Cukierman and the CRIF delegation in Washington were invited to a lunch on Tuesday, March 3 by Gérard Araud, French Ambassador in Washington.

The CRIF in action
Published on 16 March 2015

Watch Roger Cukierman's interview at AIPAC Conference


The CRIF in action
Published on 15 March 2015

Meeting in the U.S. Capitol

Roger Cukierman and the CRIF’s delegation in Washington were received in the Congress by the Congressional French Causus in the presence of Gérard Araud, Ambassador of France in Washington. 

The CRIF in action
Published on 15 March 2015

Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF, honored by AIPAC

The Jewish community of France was honored by the President of AIPAC Robert Cohen in Washington. 

The CRIF in action
Published on 23 December 2014

“Living Together”- main theme of CRIF’s 5th National Convention

On Sunday, November 16, 2014 nearly 1,200 people attended the 5th National Convention of CRIF. Prominent speakers debated all day on various topics. The plenary session in the morning was a very strong moment with the presentation of the results of the survey on anti-Semitism in France conducted by Fondapol by Dominique Reynié, the director of the think tank Fondapol, after which a debate was held with French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut.

The CRIF in action
Published on 23 December 2014

Fight against Cyber hate

By Marc Knobel, Director of Studies of CRIF

A seminar organized by CRIF: "What should we do to fight against anti-Semitism, racism and hatred on the Internet? Call for action”

CRIF organized a seminar to review progress on the fight against hatred on the Internet and hear experts in the field of cybercrime on Wednesday, November the 19, 2014.

Google and Facebook representatives participated to the event.

Lawyers, judges, police officers, sociologists, political scientists, Internet professionals, representatives of ministries attended the meeting, along with Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF, Francis Kalifat and Yonathan Arfi, CRIF Vice Presidents, Robert Ejnès, Executive Director of CRIF, Anais Juin, Head of CRIF digital team and Marc Knobel, Director of Research of CRIF.

The CRIF in action
Published on 23 December 2014

Mission in Israel

By Robert Ejnes, CRIF Executive Director

CRIF President Roger Cukierman and a delegation of members of the Executive Committee of CRIF, heads of Regional CRIF chapters and CRIF Executive Director were in Israel at the end of November.  They met with President Rivlin, several Ministers of the Netanyahu Government, with Knesset Members, and with Natan Sharansky, President of Jewish Agency.  They met with WJC representatives in Israel, and with Robert Singer, WJC's Vice-President and CEO.  The delegation also visited an Iron Dome base and Ashdod where a large French community is living.  The delegation met with Ashdod's Mayor Dr Lasry and with representatives of the French speaking associations.  

The CRIF in action
Published on 23 December 2014

Recognition of the Palestinian state by French National Assembly

A resolution of the Socialist Group calling on the government to recognize the Palestinian state was submitted to the French National Assembly. CRIF had expressed its opposition to such a move considered as a political and diplomatic mistake. He called on parliamentarians not to vote in favor of this resolution, as the resolution did not respect the spirit of the Oslo agreements, which promotes the principle of direct negotiations between the parties.

The CRIF in action
Published on 23 December 2014

Anti-Semitic attack in Creteil

December 3rd, 2014

CRIF and the Jewish community in France are deeply shocked by the savage anti-Semitic aggression, including robbery and rape, on a couple of young Jews that took place in Creteil on December 1st. CRIF asked that the perpetrators be promptly presented to justice.

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News feed

Interview Crif - "Austrian security forces have not done enough to prevent such attacks", Ariel Muzicant

05 November 2020
On the evening of Monday November 2, terrorism hit Vienna right in the heart. Islamists attacks have plunged the lively Austrian capital into darkness. Ariel Muzicant, Honorary President of the Jewish Community of Vienna and Austria (IKG), and Vice-President of European Jewish Congress (EJC), answered our questions.

Interview Crif - Jeremy Corbyn suspended: The Board of Deputies of British Jews explains

30 October 2020
"There is a great deal of relief within the Jewish community here" stated the The Board of Deputies of British Jews after Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended by the Labour party.

Antisemitism - Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour party

30 October 2020
Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the party. Read the European Jewish Congress press release about it.

Crif - We are one

27 October 2020
A surge of threats and hatred against France is shaking the world and the values of democratic societies. Crif President Francis Kalifat severely condemns the reckless actions of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Press release - Crif strongly condemns the Islamist attack in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine

19 October 2020
Crif strongly condemns the Islamist attack in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. Crif also called for joining the rally to pay tribute to Samuel Paty, Sunday, in Place de la République, in Paris.

Crif - Meeting with Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin

08 October 2020
Right after Yom Kippur, Francis Kalifat went to the Ministry of the Interior for a working meeting and an overview of the concerns of French Jews with Gerald Darmanin.
