
Published on 7 September 2017

Francis Kalifat speech at the ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Vel d'Hiv

"The strength of a Nation always lies in the the way it looks at its History and and its ability to teach it to future generations".
Published on 27 October 2016

#EDITORIAL from President of CRIF - UNESCO Votes: let's express the voice of Truth in front of the falsifications of History

Published on 16 June 2015

Ten Ways Israel is Treated Differently

It's appalling to see how Israel is treated by a totally different standard than other countries in the international system.

Published on 10 June 2015

The ugly effort to boycott Israel

Orange compte pourtant plusieurs partenariats avec des pays arabes… coupables de graves crimes contre les droits de l’homme…

Published on 1 April 2015

United in Ignominy

It was intended to be a temple of peace, but has been overrun by repressive regimes.

Published on 11 July 2014

France Is Not an Anti-Semitic Nation

By Laurent Fabius and Bernard Cazeneuve, published in the New York Times July 10, 2014

Few democratic societies are as rich in populations of diverse origins as France’s. This is one of the many traits France shares with the United States. Both are countries of immigrants where citizenship is universal and does not depend on one’s ethnic or religious origins.

Published on 11 July 2014

Yes, the government has proposed a coherent plan of action against terrorism

By Eve Gani        

France, like other countries of the European Union, suffers from so-called “violent radical engagement,” whereby its citizens have been known to join militant activists abroad.  One prime example of this phenomenon is French youth departing to Syria to join that country’s militant groups. This engagement of civilians in insurgent areas "in the name of the ummah" (community) is not a new occurrence, as French citizens have already taken part in the conflicts in Bosnia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Iraq, similarly in the name of jihad. 

Published on 30 May 2014

Brussels attack fruit of Muslim incitement

By Noah Klieger published in Yedioth Aharonot May 26, 2014

As long as European authorities fail to take drastic measures against anti-Israel instigators, murderous attacks on Jews will only increase.

It was only a matter of time. The writing – or, to be more precise, the writings – has been on the wall for years. And not just in Europe. I would even dare say that, surprisingly, there have only been a few murderous attacks against Jews or Jewish institutions.

Published on 30 May 2014

The Banality of Anger

By Roger Cohen, published in the New York Times May 26, 2014

Nowhere is the crisis of modernity felt more acutely than in France where for a quarter-century now globalization has brought moroseness and mistrust on an epic scale. Uneasy with capitalism, uncomfortable with flexibility, unpersuaded by the so-called Anglo-Saxon model, France has retreated into its rancor. Immigrants and openness have constituted threat more than possibility.

Published on 30 May 2014

Far-right parties sweeping EU vote should serve as warning sign

By Asaf Ronel, published in Haaretz May 27, 2014

The shared fear of Muslims has not yet led major Jewish organizations to lift their boycotts against dubious politicians in far-right parties.

The investigation of Sunday’s shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussel is still ongoing, and assessments regarding the motive are varied, but Belgian authorities say the attack, which is being investigated as a terror incident, has anti-Semitic characteristics.

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News feed

Crif - A year after October 7: Crif hosted a tribute ceremony gathering 4 000 people

10 October 2024
"How is it already October 7th when it is still October 7th? It was yesterday, it was an eternity ago." stated Crif President Yonathan Arfi on Monday, October 7, 2024, at the Dôme de Paris during an important ceremony in tribute of the 1 200 victims of October 7.

Crif | Rosh Hashana - President Yonathan Arfi shares his wishes for the Jewish New Year

09 October 2024
"In the Jewish tradition, time belongs to Man. It is our actions, our wishes, our hopes that outline the contours of our collective destiny. By wishing "Shana Tova", each of us commits to act in an attempt to make the world a better place." stated Yonathan Arfi on Rosh Hashana eve.

Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism signed in Buenos Aires by 40 countries

08 October 2024
The Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism, a landmark, international framework was initially launched in Buenos Aires, Argentina in July 2024, and endorsed by dozens of countries and multilateral organizations.

Crif - J7 Task Force against antisemitism issues statement

08 October 2024
"On this tragic anniversary, we also mark one year of unbridled, unprecedented antisemitism, that has targeted Jews around the globe."

#BringThemHomeNow - Every Friday, 'Mothers of Hope' gather in Paris to demand the release of hostages

07 October 2024
Since November 17, 2023, 'Mothers of Hope' have been meeting every Friday Place du Trocadéro in Paris. There remain 101 children, women and men held hostage by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. We are waiting for many of you to join us to demand the release of all the hostages.

Crif | UNGA79 - Crif in New York for the UN General Assembly

26 September 2024
"Antisemites use the memory of dead Jews to attack living Jews," declared the President of CRIF on Monday evening, during an event organized by France, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
