Published on 3 January 2016

Open letter to Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

President of CRIF wrote this letter about the EU demand of labeling of israeli products. 

"I am writing to you in my capacity of Chairman of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France that represents politically the largest Jewish community in Europe and the third in the world after Israel and the United States. 
There are countless territorial conflicts in the world, but the European Union (EU) asked to its member states a specific labeling of products originating from East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. 
This demand of labeling is a particularly discriminatory measure.
No such measure has been taken indeed by the EU against products from other parts of the world, where there are territorial disputes such as Tibet, Western Sahara or the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. 
How to explain this unique ostracism in the world. if not that Israel is treated by the UE as the Jew amongst the nations'. 
Do I need to remind you that, for two thousand years. Europe had been the continent where anti-Semitism raged? After the end of the 3rd Reich, after Nostra Aetate which marked the end of Catholic Church antisemitism — and we are pleased to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary- we could have expected the end of the "vile beast" that is anti-Semitism. 
The UE decision would perhaps have been justified if similar decision had been already applied to other countries. Otherwise, do not be surprised. if suspicion could be raised, about the conscious or unconscious motivations behind this measure. 
I can only express my most vivid regrets for this decision that seriously undermines the image of the European institution. 
I dare to suggest to be firm, if the application of your decision leads to abuses against Israeli or kosher products, or inappropriate outbursts such as call for boycotts or any other actions against European Jews. 
Please accept, Mr President, the assurances of my highest consideration."
Roger Cukierman
President of CRIF