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British artists: Anti-Israel boycotts are divisive and discriminatory

26 October 2015

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling among signatories of letter published in the Guardian opposing boycotts, promoting dialogue 

France pushing for international observers on Temple Mount

26 October 2015

"The assertion that the Western Wall is part of Al-Aqsa would allow Muslims to claim that thousands of Jews are praying at Al-Aqsa."

5th local Convention of CRIF Marseille -Provence "Tolerance and Living Together"

08 October 2015

October 18, 2015 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Press release : Crif is outraged and horrified by the terrorists attacks in Israel

08 October 2015

CRIF is outraged and horrified by the attacks that occured these last days in Israel.

Video : Alain Juppe invited to the Friends of CRIF

08 October 2015

Friends of CRIF invited Alain Juppe, Mayor of Bordeaux and ex-Prime minister of France, on September 8, 2015.

Frans Timmermans, Vice President of the European Commission, received Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF; he announced the imminent appointment of a European Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism

08 October 2015

Roger Cukierman participated at the first Conference of the European Commission dedicated to the combat against anti-Semitism and hatred against Muslims.
