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SPCJ’s report on antisemitism in France - 1st Trimester 2014

11 July 2014

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There were 169 anti-Semitic acts perpetrated on French soil during the first trimester of 2014. This represents a 44-percent increase in comparison to the first trimester of 2013. We observe a 55 percent increase in violent anti-Semitic attacks and a 41-percent increase in anti-Semitic threats during the same period. For the sole month of January, there was a 130-percent increase…

Fight against radicalization: take action

11 July 2014

The French Association of Victims of Terrorism ( organized a multidisciplinary seminar for concerted fight against radicalization. Thirty guests participated in these exchanges to address the challenges presented by radicalization.

Fight against radicalization: France seeks to face the jihadist threat

11 July 2014

On Thursday June 26, 2014, CRIF Marseille-Provence held its annual dinner with Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of Interior, as guest of honor. His speech mainly addressed the issue of fighting anti-Semitism and radicalization: "Education in all its forms is the only effective remedy".

JJAC Congress in Paris

11 July 2014

CRIF joined JJAC to inform policy makers on the issue of Jews from Arab countries in a concerted action in Paris on June 11 and 12, 2014. JJAC delegates from the United States, Canada, Great Britain and France were received at the Alliance Israelite Universelle to review archives for Jews from Arab countries. 

French politicians condemned the kidnapping and assassination of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Shaer

11 July 2014

Minister of Foreign affairs and Development Laurent Fabius declared "I condemn the kidnapping of three young Israelis in the West Bank and shares the concerns of families and Israeli authorities. I call for their immediate release. All efforts must converge towards this goal. France is particularly concerned about the increasing violence during the recent days in the West Bank and Gaza. 

UNESCO Director-General calls for the protection of all religious heritage in Syria, after the destruction of historical synagogue in Damascus

30 May 2014

The UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, has learnt with dismay of the destruction of the historical synagogue of Eliyahu Hanabi in Damascus.

“The destruction of the oldest synagogue in Syria is a new blow against its religious and cultural heritage, which has already suffered tremendous damage.
