Francis Kalifat

Ancien président

My editorial - UNESCO Votes: let's express the voice of Truth in front of the falsifications of History

27 October 2016 | 19 vue(s)
Catégorie(s) :

Il y a six ans (ndlr. : cet article a été rédigé en mars 2018), en mars 2012, à Montauban et Toulouse, sept vies ont été fauchées par un terroriste islamique, donc je me refuse à rappeler le nom.



Meyer Habib, il y a ceux qui l'aiment et ceux qui l'ont en exècre. Mais on ne peut en aucun cas tolérer un tel déferlement de haine antisémite.

Discours prononcé lors de la Plénière de clôture.

Gil Taïeb's picture
Blog du Crif - Hors Normes
18 October 2019
Catégorie : Actualité

Dans le cadre du match de foot qui doit opposer le RC Strasbourg au Maccabi Haïfa FC, le Préfet de la Région Grand-Est a publié ce matin un arrêté inquiétant et profondément dérangeant. Je me suis entretenu avec le Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du Ministre de l'Intérieur, et avec le Directeur de Cabinet du Préfet du Bas-Rhin. Un nouvel arrêté devrait être publié, supprimant notamment l'interdiction des drapeaux nationaux et des signes de soutien aux deux équipes.

"Les juges d’instruction viennent enfin de rendre leur décision dans le meurtre barbare de Sarah Halimi, dans une ordonnance rendue le 12 juillet dernier. Elles estiment qu’il existe des "raisons plausibles" de penser que le discernement du suspect était "aboli" au moment des faits. Si elle est sans surprise, cette décision reste difficilement justifiable."

Ma réaction après l'annonce du report du vote de l'Assemblée nationale pour l'adoption de la définition de l'antisémitisme de l'IHRA. L'Assemblée nationale a également annoncé qu'avant d'être examinée, la proposition de résolution serait réécrite.



As usual, UNESCO has given in to its infamous obsession of Israel, joined to a dramatic falsification of history, last week through the Executive Committee and today through the Heritage committee.

Is the "Western Wall", a Jewish place? No! says Unesco. These resolutions and mention of "the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque / al-Haram al-Sharif," make the "Kotel" an integral part of the Al-Alqsa mosque.

We were upset by the anti-Israel obsession of UNESCO. We are now dismayed by the perversion of UNESCO's own values: History as a common wealth gives way to historic lies, promotion of culture and education to political manipulation.

CRIF has been actively resolute for months to ask Irina Bokova to stop these revisionist resolutions which dishonor UNESCO.

Everyone knows that UNESCO is a forum where majorities are automatic from the bloc of Arab and Muslim countries, where the voices of the totalitarian regimes of all kinds are worth more than those of democracies. But these resolutions mark a red spot for UNESCO, such as the resolution "Zionism = Racism" had defiled the UN in 1975.

To that anger towards UNESCO, the choice made by France to abstain in the vote of the Executive Committee constitutes a deep disappointment for the CRIF.

Some pretend that France corrected the error of last April favorable vote. It is giving very little sense for abstention! Abstain when it comes to choosing between truth and falsehood, between honor the history and infamy of revisionism, is not worthy of France and its values. The expression of a back-to-back reference is intolerable and indecent.

The CRIF had warned the President of the Republic François Hollande on several occasions on the echo of this vote with the French population of all backgrounds, which cannot bear to see France give up defending the history and truth. Another vote was possible which the United States, Germany, and the UK made.

I met last Friday the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Marc Ayrault, to whom I solemnly expressed our disappointment to the French vote, and our anger at UNESCO.

The CRIF will continue with its modes of action, i.e. political, institutional and media action, to express a faithful voice to Truth. You can count on my determination that this voice never falter.

Other organizations have chosen to bring this anger in the street and I welcome the initiative of associations calling for a rally tomorrow at 18h to express this disappointment and anger. I invite all member organizations of CRIF to join them to hear a loud, faithful to the truth and history.