Publié le 9 Juillet 2014

Ronald Lauder au New-York Times après un éditorial de Peter Ross : « Nous devons faire tout notre possible pour empêcher la publication et la distribution de masse de Mein Kampf »

We at the World Jewish Congress beg to differ with Peter Ross Range’s assessment that “Mein Kampf” should be published freely in Germany. The book was the inspiration and playbook for the greatest mass murder the world has ever seen. It is a pure work of extreme anti-Semitic hatred.

Because of Germany’s history, publishing it there again at a time of rising anti-Semitism would be a travesty. Only recently, Germany elected a neo-Nazi deputy to the European Parliament, showing that the Hitler virus has yet to be stamped out.

Sadly, we have seen how e-book versions of “Mein Kampf” shot to the top of best-seller lists a few months ago. What would the Holocaust survivors and their relatives think if they visit a German bookstore and see Hitler’s book on the shelves?

We must do everything we can to prevent the publication and mass distribution of “Mein Kampf.” We owe it to Hitler’s victims.

Ronald S. Lauder

President, World Jewish Congress

New York, July 8, 2014
